Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Snow Day!

When I woke up this morning, the snow was coming down heavy. I had already woken Buddy up and given him breakfast before I checked the school closing status online.

Originally, it was a 2 hour delay, which I really hate. We carpool with our friends and she drives Buddy and her son in the morning and I pick them up in the afternoon. I'm so not a morning person, so this arrangement works out great for me.

In the event of a 2 hour delay - our friends still need to get to work so they usually drop their sons off at their grandparents house and then I need to get Buddy to school myself. Which means getting Sissy bundled up and out of the house in the freezing cold. I really hate driving just in normal weather, so I truly get the heebies having to drive in the snow. I was hoping the county would change the 2 hour delay to a closed all day, so I wouldn't have to face my fears AND be my normal grumpy morning person to boot.

The snow kept falling all morning and by the time Sissy woke up, I checked the school status again and saw that it was closed! No getting out today, at all! Yippee.

We got about 2 inches before the snow plow truck came by around 9 am. The Evil Twin then got ready and shovelled the drive way and went on into work. It's just about all melted by now.

I hate snow and I hate winter. But I love a snow day!


  1. Melted?? It's still snowing up here! :(

  2. It's melted here in Charleston. Still cold as all get out, which meant it was too cold for the motors on any of Curmy's bikes to turn over, so he's unhappily riding on four wheels today.

  3. We fly home tomorow to melting FEET of snow...snow slush from what I hear. I hate winter and winter driving too.

  4. My sister lives in Northern Maine.

    As of 5 pm Monday, they had nearly 18 inches of snow.

    When I asked what the temp was, she responded "13. And dropping."

    They haven't had school at all this week, because it's "Booger Freezing Cold".

  5. No snow for me here in the cozy confines of Louisville. This is fine, given the roofing situation!

  6. I used to love snow days...and even 2 hour delays...extra sleep!

  7. I love snow days when, by afternoon, all the snow is gone. That is awesome!

  8. The only snow I like falls between midnight and 6am, and melts completely by noon.
