Wednesday, July 25, 2007


I don't have much for today, but I feel a need for an update. The last two days I have spent at home, doing my usual daily chores and minding the children. It's actually been a mini vacation for me, since I rarely have a day without something to do or some errand to run.

Since the Evil Twin has started his new schedule, he gets home much earlier than before, which makes family dinners much easier. We had dinner (my Paprika Chicken, which everyone loves) and then I took Buddy to Vacation Bible School. When I got back, the Evil Twin took Sissy out side for some play time and I was able to clean the kitchen and unload and reload the dishwasher.

Then, I joined them out side for a bit. I love playing on the swing set! Sometimes when I'm in our back yard, I feel like I'm on vacation - like I don't really live here, with such a beautiful back yard. Then, I realize, Yes! I pay the mortgage on this fantastic place! It's ours (or the banks mostly, I guess).

We saw a little rabbit while we were outside. After he had hopped a few feet away, I came back inside to get some baby carrots for him. I scattered them under the apple tree. They'll be gone by tomorrow morning, I'm sure.

I hope the next few days bring a little more excitement (not too much!!!) and perhaps I'll have some interesting news next time around.


  1. Some days need to be like yours...just quietly special for no reason.

  2. Wonder if your Paprika Chicken is anything like my Csirkepaprikas (Chicken Paprikas, Chicken and dumplings in a sour cream paprika souce). Mmmm good.

  3. Oh, PLEASE post the chicken recipe.


    Sometimes, the best days are the ones where you just get to stay home, not panic, and feel blessed with what you have.

    I'm glad that it was such a pleasant day!
