Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday Madness

It's another busy Monday for me. Why do I do this to myself? I think it's more out of necessity than anything else. After the weekend, we are officially out of bread and other things, so I have to shop on Mondays for us to have lunches and dinners for the week ahead.

It just works out that way.

So, here I sit, drinking some coffee (I never drink a whole cup, I'm finished when I reach the just over halfway mark), finishing up my grocery list and trying to find the motivation to get moving. I like to ease into my days.

In fact, I'm quite nearly like this guy (NSFW/NSFK):

I took some pictures of our beautiful fall foliage on the mountains over the weekend, but haven't had a chance to upload them yet. I'll get to that and reading all my fave blogs, as usual for Mondays, after 3 pm.

It may be chilly here today, but it is beautiful and sunny. I'll take that. :-)


  1. I was going to try to come up with something witty, but I really don't give a fuck. :-)

  2. Well good morning sunshine!

    A half cup of coffee? Mine is like my wine, I drink it from a rose vase!

    Yeah, Monday makes the cupboards bare around here too : )

    Ron ! cheer the ef' up! : D

  3. I thought we were going to have a beautiful fall in these parts, but I guess we just got too much rain. Some of the colors are pretty, but for the most part things are pretty muted around here.

  4. Oh and I know the feeling about cupboards being bare on Mondays. I'm out of tequila AND beer. LOL ;-)

  5. Ugh, I was grocery shopping at 8:30 this morning, so much for ease. Lol, but it was a necessity. I was in dire need of milk. I'm usually more like you and love to ease into my day!

    Btw, thanks for the compliment on my avatar. I've gotten several and I always reply the same way! Y'all better like it with as much money as I spend on bras! I'm lucky that one's pretty, because usually they amount to industrial strength luggage!

    Happy Monday, lovely!

  6. I just polished off a Venti cup of Pumpkin Spiced Latte from Starbucks, yum!!! No chance of easing into anything for me on Mondays. I have get all my meetings planned for the week.

  7. I'm probably killing myself with my two POTS of coffee a day. Oh well! We are a family of the ill - the fevers and snotty heads...grr...

    Can't wait to see the fall foliage pics. It is sunny yet COLD here - I'm beginning to miss the fact that we haven't had an Indian Summer.

  8. I cannot function on anything less than my usual 2 cups of coffee in the morning. One while I lay on the couch and watch the weather channel and surf the webs. The other while I get ready for work.

    It was beautiful here this weekend! Of course I was too sick to enjoy it. This morning? Dreary and cold. Bah!

  9. I've got grocery shopping on my list today too. I want to take the dog to the dog park for his birthday but time wise it's not looking good.

    It is a beautiful day out here though!

  10. How do you define "chilly"? It's 60 degrees here today, and I think that's beautiful. :-)

  11. I am always too ambitious on Mondays...I get things done so early some times, that I am like "What! its only 1PM!!?"

  12. That video is perfect because Aunt Flow is here, so I did my grocery shopping at 10 last night (cuts down on the number of people in the store that I want to kill) and that way I could spend today not giving a fuck!

    I was iffy on the not giving a fuck part, but your vid showed me that I should dive right on in and bask in the glory of not giving a fuck.

  13. That's why I do my grocery shopping on Sunday's after church..then I don't have to worry about it for the rest of the week; nothing worse then going to the grocery store!

    Can't wait to see the pictures!

  14. I posted a couple more autumn photos on my blog this morning. I'm looking forward to what you post on your blog. See ya soon...your place or mine.

  15. I could really have used that advice earlier today. I nearly burst an aneurysm from rage.

    I worry about the potential side effects, though. I like cheese, mind you...I just don't "LIKE, LIKE" it.

  16. It was a gorgeous day today!

    I love taking photos! You should post some!


  17. It was wild meeting you face to face on Saturday night! It really is a small Blog World!
