Since I've kind of mixed up our summer schedule, Tuesday is now going to be shopping day unless it somehow just doesn't work out, but for now, we'll try this way.
We went to the Mart of Wal on Tuesday.
First on our way through our little town, we got behind a van. A van we've seen before - several times. This mini-van is packed from floor to ceiling with "stuff". I'm not sure what all it is. And, I'm not sure how anyone can get into the thing to drive it.

I don't think you can really see the amount of "stuff" piled up due to the tinted windows. However, when they turned right (we turned left), Buddy announced that he saw "a fast food cup with a lid squashed against the side window." WTF?
All that extra baggage has got to seriously impair the gas mileage, wouldn't you think?
Now, I'm not saying that I'm judging these people, I AM very curious as to WHY all the "stuff"? I don't care if my van is spotless (that would be the Evil Twin), but I do enjoy being able to move about in it without being worried I'd be buried under a landmine of old fast food cups, ya know?
We got to the store and it was not crowded at all. Of course, the few people who were there were the "side angle cart parkers". You know, the people who come to a dead halt in the middle of the aisle and then position the cart so that it is diagonally, thus taking up the entire aisle. No way around them.
These are the same people I wonder if they're planning to pitch a tent to stay a while, because they will compare products for an
If you want to read labels, fine. Fine. Fine. Fine. But, please - for the love of Pete - move your cart all the way over to your side!
I'm in there with 2 kids, which is like shopping with a pack of drunken monkeys who angle for every item they spy.
I just want to get in and get out, folks!
And preferably before I have to say: "No, we're not buying toys today." "We don't need that." "You're gonna have to wait." "Don't touch anything!" approximately 4000 times.
They eventually wore me down over getting some popcorn chicken from the deli. I stated that I would get one cup of it and they could share it. BIG mistake. Next time, cheapskate over here will get TWO cups. We got the chicken right before we were ready to check out, but not before we saw this:

As you can imagine, my kids went nuts. "Mommy, who would do such a thing?" "Ewww, that is disgusting!" and on and on. Finally, Buddy said, "Mommy, get your camera and take a picture for your blog."
I felt like a fool, but as you can see, I took out my camera and took the picture. While laughing my ass off!!
We made it to the check out line where more chaos ensued with my bunch and in my haste, trying to make sure I had all the bags and such, we hurriedly paid and made a break for the exit.
Later, I realized that while my children fought over who got the most popcorn chicken, I had failed to put the container on the conveyor belt.
Sure enough, I checked my receipt and we stole the popcorn chicken (although totally not on purpose).
Part of me feels guilty and I think maybe I should offer to pay for the chicken the next time we go. Then, another side of me thinks of the times the Mart has ripped me off for various items and I think I just want to call it even. What do you all think? I will comply with the majority on how to proceed.