Friday, January 2, 2009

Creeping Crud

I woke up Thursday morning and my throat was sore and my head was all stopped up. I think I'm getting some sort of sinus infection or something. But, I'm just taking some over the counter meds for now - if it gets worse, I'll go see my regular doctor some time next week.

So, I've been feeling a bit puny.

I sure know how to ring in a new year the right way, huh?

I just wanted to check in. I'll be back on Monday morning - same bat time, same bat channel.

Love ya! ETW


  1. Feel better sweetie, use it to your advantage and have the family waiting on your hand and foot ;)

  2. Hate to tell ya, friend, but that's how my own personal crud started.....three weeks ago.

    I hope it's not that, for your sake. Feel better soon!

  3. Hope you feel better soon! If what you are taking doesn't help, try Alka Seltzer Cold and Sinus. Gross going down, but helps me a lot.

  4. Something is seriously going around... and it made it all the way to Texas. My wife slept for 14 hours last night and I have some sort of sinus situation that has been going on for almost a full week.

    I hope you feel better soon.

  5. snork....hope you/we feel better.

  6. I can report that brandy has little to do with curing the cold, but that you'll feel pretty good and remember little while you wait for it to get serious and have to go to the doctor...might be worth consideration!

  7. Chicken soup! Rent some movies (The Dark Knight) and stay in bed ;)

    And get better soon!

  8. Dang - what a bummer! My husband has had the same type thing the last week, and swears by Mucinex..

    REST and take care!

  9. That stinks~ have you tried a netti pot?
    Hope you feel better, make the most of having ET around for the next two days.

  10. Don't have any miracle cures for you (unless you count Grey Goose, and I do)...just warm wishes for a speedy recovery :)

  11. Grey Goose is the way I would also really hope you feel better!! Gets lots of rest and take it easy!

  12. Well we are not coming to visit until you get better! lol The wife takes shots of JD (jack daniels) and only ONE when she starts to feel something coming on and then blankets herself all up and sweats it out and is better the next day... you should try it! :)

  13. I swear everyone I know is sick! I've already had the flu so you better not transmit anything to me electronically!

    Feel Better!

  14. Get well soon...Monday WILL be better! ;)

  15. Get well soon. I'm familiar with that type of crud myself and I sympathize. Hope your New Year finds you happy.

  16. The crud snuck right up and bit my butt early on New Years Eve. I spent most of my night watching everybody sing and enjoy and I sucked down Nyquil and shoved Kleenex up my schnoz.

    And it still hasn't let me go.

    Happy New Year!
    Feel better!

  17. I'm sorry you're not feeling well. You should come by my blog today - there's a photo I know you'd want to see.

  18. Hope you get rid of the crud soon!
