Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Laundry, Germs and Sickies - Oh My!

I thought I would have a chance to get caught up on my reading and other activities today, but Sissy woke up and crawled in bed with me. About a half hour later, she shot upright and gave me "the look".

All moms are familiar with their child's "look". With Sissy, it's a confused face with eyes as big as saucers. I was only fast enough to grab the bottom of her nightgown to catch the vomit.

After the initial episode, I was able to grab some towels from the towel drawer.

With a good stack handy, we laid back down and snoozed for a bit. I felt her sit upright again and grabbed a towel!

About five episodes later, she seemed to want to get out of bed, so I got her a glass of ice water and made up a little bed on the couch.

I'm going to try to sneak off to the shower in a bit and wait to see if she can hold this ice water down.

Then maybe she can have some toast or applesauce.

I will do my best to make my rounds later on. :-) Keep your fingers crossed that whatever hit her is not contagious because we will all be sick for sure! Blech! At least the others here have the mad "making it to the toilet" skillz. LOL.


  1. aww.. i hope she feels better soon.. (and everyone else doesnt catch it!)

  2. My gal had a crazy vomit thing that lasted about 24hrs, couldn't keep anything down (I'm very thankful for my hardwood floors :)...then she was ok. Hope it doesn't last long and good luck.

  3. Yuuuuuuuck.

    Hope she's feeling better! ;-)

  4. I will never forget the look on my kid's face when he was first old enough to throw up and actually recognize it and wonder what was going on.

    It was a look of fear that I quickly calmed. I still smile thinking about it. Hey, it was a bonding moment. Cheers ETW!!

  5. God I can't tell you how many times I've cleaned up vomit. I'm so sick of it. Why am I the only one in the house (Mrs Ryan included) that can make it to the bathroom?

  6. Awww, poor Sissy. Feel better soon princess

  7. Awww, poor Sissy. Feel better soon princess

  8. Poor Sissy. And poor ETW! Cleaning up "barf up" (what Ace calls it) is the worst. It took FOREVER for my oldest to make it to the bathroom. He'd get a deer-in-the-headlights look and 2 seconds later... blech!

    Bring on the lysol!

  9. Aww. Poor Sissy. I hope she feels better soon. Having mostly tile in my house has served me well during my kids' episodes of puking!! Makes for an easier clean-up....that is, if they make it off the carpet in time.

  10. OMG that feeling is the worst, where all the prayers for not puking give way to the realization that it's gonna happen. Hope she's feeling better soon.

  11. Awww.... the look. I know it well, although it generally happens in the car.

    Tell her to feel better!

  12. Poor baby! It's moving through this city like Ex-lax, ETW. I had it, gave it to my brother's four children, and then just spent the last two days nursing my mom through it! Ugh!

    Hope she's the only one in your house to go through the yaks!

  13. Awww, poor baby. Hopefully it is just a 24 hour virus. Last time Violet got one she was the only one who got sick.

  14. aaahh...the BRAT diet. Sorry to hear that she is sick. That sucks! I am hoping she feels better soon!

  15. wow, i know the look all too well.

    hopefully it passes soon and you dont/cant get whatever it is.

  16. Hope Sissy feels right as rain pronto and no one else gets the germs!

  17. I was gunna say what Joker said.... Bananas, Rice, Appie Sauce or Toast.
    Course I like choc sauce on my nanners ;>)

  18. Poor Sissy. Hope she is all better soon and no one catches it!!

  19. :( poor kid. I hope she feels better soon.

  20. I hope she's feeling better soon. I know that when PP starts vomiting, I put a shower cap on her head, line the wastebasket with a plastic bag, line the couch with towels and hope for the best, because PP vomits for distance.
