Ron came up with a good topic - my assessment of recreational drugs I’ve taken. I can do that. Keep in mind that it has been YEARS since I’ve done any of this stuff.
I started drinking at age 11. Yep. We would sneak stuff out of one kid’s dads liquor cabinet. It didn’t happen very often, but those were some fun times. We never really overdid it, either. We’d get a little buzz and laugh about stupid stuff.
By the time I was in junior high, around 7th grade, I was smoking pot. Like who wasn’t?? Getting our hands on weed was lots easier than buying booze, so my friends and I got high - a lot. I continued to smoke off and on up until about 5 or so years ago - however, I stopped smoking on a regular basis back in high school. I never really enjoyed the feeling that went along with being high. It made me paranoid and self conscious. I would smoke at parties every now and then. In college, my roommate was a small time dealer, so she always had it on hand.
These days, I still go to places/functions where people smoke. They know me as the one hold out who doesn’t though, so when the pipe or joint comes my way, they just pass it to the next person. I’m always too busy pickling my liver to indulge in other things.
You know what they say: smoking weed leads to harder drugs, sooooo:
LSD - ahhh, one of my favorites. The important thing is to have a good trip. I’ve never had a bad one. I’ve had ones that were more fun than others and that’s mostly thanks to the company I’m keeping at the time. Some people are just better to experience acid with than other people. I’ve taken blotter about a zillion times, but did microdot once. Both were fine, but blotter is easier to find.
Cocaine - another great one. I would do this until my nose bled often. I kept it contained to weekends or special occasions (parties, etc.). It was kind of difficult to run across here and it was also not cheap, so that kind of would make or break any weekend plans of being a coke-fiend.
Crystal meth - this is one I can’t believe I did more than once, but I did. I loved it. Now that I know what’s in that crap, I’m appalled that I even tried it to begin with. Again, this one was limited to weekends only. It was less expensive and more plentiful than coke, and really even a better time, so this was a popular one for a while.
X or ecstasy - super fun. Better than acid in that the trips aren’t nearly as long, but are just as intense. Sex is amazing and do-able (unlike meth, which will shrink a guy’s willy and no matter how great of attempt is made… that thing won’t be seeing an erection until the drug wears off).
Shrooms - or psilocybin mushrooms - they don’t taste very good at all, but the hallucinations are worth it. Again, these aren’t super plentiful, so they didn’t come around often. I did this mostly in college and a couple times afterward.
Heroin - only once. I snorted it. I was sick as a dog ALL night. I said, “Never again.” and that’s been true.
Pills (uppers, downers, speed, etc) - these are just okay. Not my fave and I wouldn’t take anything unless I knew what it was. This was something I rarely did because the payoff seemed shitty. Like the work involved in the procurement, etc. was too great for the thrill later. Also, some of that stuff just made my scalp crawl.
I think that’s it. Not too many, huh? I was practically an ANGEL!
Kids, don’t do drugs.
Additionally - I've never done anything, even have a sip of alcohol, while pregnant and I waited until Buddy spent the night at my parents' house to do anything major. Never when he was home. It's okay to have fun every once in a while, but not in a setting that might endanger my children.
* The title comes from a little utility building in Nitro, WV. It’s had this phrase, along with a pot leaf, spray painted on the side since sometime before 1983. I don’t know why it hasn’t been sandblasted off.