Saturday, November 10, 2007

Apron Envy

I got my fancy new apron in the mail today! It is sooo cute. I actually opened it and threw it on, as I was forced into service to make dinner a little earlier than I expected. And, yes, I wore it with pearls, but seeing as how I go shoeless in the house most of the time, I was barefooted! LOL.

A good friend of mine, who I IM quite ofteen, and I were IMing last night. She was the one who pointed me in the direction of my KitchenAid mixer (sent me a link and it was a great deal). So, last night, she suggested I have a name for the beauty. We came up with Cherry - since it is red and my apron has cherries on it. Then, I added Baby after a childhood friend of mine. My brother always called her S___ Baby. I still call her that 35 years later. :-)

So, thanks J! Cherry Baby was in service last night making "Day Ahead Mashed Potatoes". Today I was going to do my mom's Blonde Brownies, but I got too lazy, so I'll do that tomorrow.

I think I slept on my head last night because my neck is so stiff! I can barely turn it to the right. I hate when that happens, but I know it will work itself out. Meanwhile, I will medicate with Chardonnay this evening. My boys - The Evil Twin and Buddy - are planning on doing their "Friday Night Freakshow" tonight, since they missed it last night. The movie of the evening is "The Black Hole". I have no clue what it's about, but it's an opportunity for them to spend time together, eats lots of junk foods and leave me the hell alone! Woot.

It doesn't get better than that people. Except when I have free range of motion in my neck. Ouch.


  1. Maybe I should get an apron for my new hobbies. Ummm... did they have anything a little more manly. Maybe black with skulls and crossbones or something similiar. I just don't think the Cherry one would look masculine enough. :)

  2. I have black aprons embroidered with the name of my business (Tickle Your Fancy) and I wear those when I am working and sometimes when I am cooking.

    We have had company for 3 days, at every meal, and I am so tired that my whole body aches. I need to medicate with something tonight - I think wine might do it....LOL

  3. Though it wouldn't be nearly as lovely as ETW must've been in her apron, pearls, with toes wiggling while she cooked, Ron may be interested in

    Sorry, I know nothing about making links here.

  4. LOL.. I think the pirate one is darling. Ummm... wait I mean the pirate one is sort of cool. (cough)
