Monday, September 24, 2007

Slightly Jealous

Buddy has started to read the Harry Potter books. I'm a little envious, because he'll get to read them all one right after the other, whereas I had to wait (and wait and wait, it seemed like) for the next book to come out after I finished the most current book.

Actually, I"m happy that he has expressed an interest in this series and has the attention span to really grasp the details. He has been begging me to read them forever, but I held him off until now.

We've all seen the movies to date. Today, he told me he likes the books better because he was able to learn much more of what was going on. That made my little reading heart smile. He's already on book 3, The Prisoner of Azkaban. I really liked that one, too, but it would be hard to pick my very favorite.

The hardest part for me is trusting him with my beloved hard back books! I take the dust covers off even before I read them, and he wondered why I handed him a dust cover-less book the other day. I also laid out my book rules: do not turn the pages down, do not get food or anything greasy on the pages or outside of book, do not spill anything on the book, do not let your grimy handed classmates check out any part of the book. There!

I inspected book 2 when he returned it to me, including flipping thru the pages looking for smears or any sign of book abuse and, upon finding nothing but the pristine book I loaned him, I went and got book 3 - took the dust cover off - and handed it over. He just started this evening and is on the 2nd chapter!

I'll probably end up reading the books TO Sissy. She can't be trusted. LOL.


  1. After reading this I would let you read on of my beloved hard cover books any time.

  2. I still have trouble loaning books to my daughter....and she is 44.

  3. I have to wait until books come out in paperback...and purchase them at

  4. Everything in paperback, all the time. I can't be trusted with a hardbacked book.

  5. Prisoner of Azkhaban was my favorite.
